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Contact info

Shiloh, Hawaii 81063 +1-212-9876543 Office Hours: 8AM - 5PM Sunday - Weekend Day
We are building Geedeeglor for future generations.
Donate to help the homeless.
Want to know more about us? contact us

Get In Touch

Hey! Our awesome team of volunteers is here to give you the lowdown on what we're up to in Geedeeglor. We want to make sure you're in the loop and have all the deets about our projects. Our crew knows their stuff and they're happy to answer any questions you might have about how we're making a difference in the community. We're super stoked that you're interested in our work and we're here to help you in any way we can. So, hit us up with any concerns or queries and we'll get you all the info you need. Thanks for your support!

    Phone Number

    Coming soon

    Coming soon

    Office address

    Geedeglor, Grand Gedeh County, southeastern Liberia

    Geedeglor township, Konobo Statutory District, Grand Gedeh County.

    Email Address

    Giving helping hands to the needy is the way of eradicating poverty from our today world.

    Minimum donation of $10

    Check out our latest collection

    New fall collection is now on sale

    Donate today to safe a life.